Occasion already passed!

Monday, May 31, 2004

2 hours and 45 minutes

I am being terribly inefficient today, but let me tell you, it makes the day fly by. I can't believe it is already almost 4:00pm. I sitll have one fifteen minute break remaining, so I have net 2.75 hours remaining. My performance is god-awful, but I have figured out the classes I will be registering for. I am excited to start my online-based American Government class on July 5th. I ordered the text today, and I think I will be well on my way before the class even starts. Now I need to get around the residency requirement (which I don't think will be a problem) and see if I really need testing. I don't think I will. I need to call tomorrow.

Monday morning, day 96

Good morning. I barely slept last night. I mean, I think I slept an hour or two. I was up thinking about all that I have to accomplish to reach my goals...I have to save money to pay off my debt, and I have to finish school. At about 3:30AM I discovered that I could graduate by the spring of 2007 if I really put my mind to it. Here is how I would structure this plan:

Credits per semester:
(Already have 24)

Summer 04 - 3
Fall 04 - 6
Winter 04 - 3
Spring 05 - 6
Summer 05 - 12
Fall 05 - 6
Winter 05 - 3
Spring 06 - 15
Summer 06 - 12
Fall 06 - 15
Winter 06 - 3
Spring 07 - 15

120 credits + 3 credit leeway

Is this unrealistic? Here is another option.

Summer 04 - 3
Fall 04 - 6
Spring 05 - 6
Summer 05 - 6
Fall 05 - 6
Spring 06 - 15
Summer 06 - 6
Fall 06 - 15
Spring 07 - 15
Summer 07 - 6
Fall 07 - 15

120 credits + 3 credit leeway

I think this is somewhat more do-able.

Friday, May 28, 2004


I'm out of here. I am headed to the best part of my week...

The whole fruit, and nothing but the fruit.

I just completed a company survey, which claims to be anonymous. Man, if it is not, security is probably on their way upstairs for me as I type this. I was brutally honest, and like my 5 year old niece playing "court" (geez, the world is becoming more equal, we played "house" and "beauty shop" when I was her age), I told the whole fruit and nothing but the fruit. Um, truth.

This is a great place to work, an awesome, young and growing tech company. I adore it in many ways. But I can't stand my job. Part of that is the nature of the job, and part of it is the structuring of my schedule (and the constant changes thereof), the lack of knowledge about internal job opportunities, and the commission/salary ratio (too much variability). I left myself be heard.

By the way, I still haven't heard from my old manager about the opportunity he wanted to hire me for. The real live end of the month is Monday, which was when he said he would know more. I am pretty sure that he mentally rescinded his offer, without letting me know. That sucks. Oh well.

4:00 and the day drags on

I tried to apply for vacation for two hours today so I could go home at 5:00. It was a bit of a drastic measure, I admit, but I am starting to feel a little left out. I mean, everyone is on vacation today, since Monday is a holiday. But wait, Monday isn't a holiday for me. Sigh.

So the response on the vacation request? Denied. That's right, I am stuck.

I officially love this blog

Amy Langfield, who is probably the foremost media blogger in the US (and there is some steep competition there), and personally my favorite blogger in the world, has a great entry today about people who are addicted to their blogs.

I read Amy's site just about every day I am at work. It's nice to be challenged intellectually instead of wasting my time surfing the net. I feel very connected to New York, the place I miss and hope to go back to for my Psychology graduate studies at NYU. Amy posts New York pictures from her Treo 600 phone (when the Sprint network isn't freaking out).

Your show...

Dear Michael,
I listening to your South American music show this afternoon on NPR and I enjoyed it thoroughly.  One song in particular, a club mix by a female singer...it transported me back to Rio, and I would love to buy the CD.  Saudade was the song perhaps?  Can you help?
Thank you for your great show,

Above is an email I sent to the host of this music show on NPR. I will be buying this CD if I get a reply. I was in Brazil five years ago, the spring of 1999, and it was incredible. Another world. I would like to go back.

I knew a girl, someone who I used to wait tables with, who lived in Brazil for years. She was a tall blonde, tan and thin. She married a guy who lived down there when she was 21, and then they divorced when she tried to move him back to Illinois, where she was from. He didn't fit into that world. She felt like she was taking a harbor seal to the desert. It wasn't fair to him, and it diminished him. In the end she set him free, and he went back below the equator to his country, but she said she will always love him. She missed him, and her international exploration, her homeless, roaming days. I missed those days too, just hearing her talk about them.

Lunch is damned exciting...

...when you are meeting your significant other for Vietnamese food. too bad I just stuffed another donut down my hatch. It is a good thing I have been working out almost daily lately.

Oh, Reba of the Redbird

I just talked to the nicest lady from Boston. Once every two or three months I talk to someone who is truly sweet, usually on the weird side. She said she did ballroom dancing competitions with her brother near the city I live in, and she won the state competition. We talked about travelling through the midwest with east coast accents (although she has an accent and I don't), and about her nice uncle who gives her money. She told me to marry rich.

Her address was Redbird lane, which reminded me of one of my favorite books (I read constantly). Oldest Living Confederate Widow Tells All, by Allan Gurganus. This book is truly a masterpiece, you get lost in it. I have read thousands of books (yes, thousands, on average 3-5 a week) and this might just be my favorite. One of the characters in the book (a liberated slave in turn-of-the-century North Carolina) worships a goddess called Reba, who has something to do with red birds. Claiming to remember her native Africa, though she came to the states as an infant, the character keeps this as her religion, amalgamated with various southern baptist moral constructs. "Reba, Reba of the redbird" she says as she waves a bright red feather. I love birds with an overarching passion. Seriously. So this redbird thing appeals to me. So does the goddess aspect, but more than that it is the bird.

Good morning, Day 97

Tzyy is on vacation today, and so is everyone else. I thought it would be a nice break, but it is a bit unnerving. My first few calls were awful, one was a lady who wanted to bargain the price and acted like I was a jerk for not participating. What, do they think I am a 14th century fishmonger in Venice?

Soon I will be reading my Friday ritual sites, and my daily ritual blogs. Since 1999 I have been reading Diary of V every Friday when the new entry comes out. It marks the weeks for me, compartmentalizes time. A month or so ago I started reading Diary of He also. I went back and read all the archives since it began, it took me a week (at work of course). I actually get excited about these online diaries...that should give you some idea of the sad state I am in right now.

Thursday, May 27, 2004

Late to leave.

This jerk has me on hold, and is keeping me after my shift joking with his friend in the background and listening to a game.  He'd better buy.  Then I am out of here!  See you on day 97...

30 minutes remaining in day 98!

People are stupid (sorry if you are a person and you are reading this, but you know it's true). How much is it if the item is 199 with free shipping? Umm...let me think...199? I have a hard time taking calls when I know I am going to be wasting my time.

Not even Elephants!

My partner in crime here at work, Tzyy, is also (finally) getting disgruntled. It is nice sitting next to her, it helps me keep my sense of humor. Someone just asked me if I can call them back later tonight. I was tempted to tell them which movie I would be seeing (I'm Not Scared, it just came out) tonight when they wanted me to call. These people assume that just because I am at the other end of a phone that I have a crap job where they make me work all night long. Tzyy is from Hong Kong, and her unique perspectives always make me roll on the floor. Apparently someone asked Tzyy earlier today if we work 24 hours. Her brilliant reply: "They don't even make the elephants work that long!"

Midday Report, day 98

The workout felt good.  I feel so safe and quiet in my little corner shower after I worked up a sweat on the elliptical trainer.  Nice to take a break from the rut my work thoughts get into and read about Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt for half an hour.  I prefer my "book on tape", but I didn't get one from the library this time.  I'll have to pick one up.
Now, in a few minutes, I have a little meeting to go to.  I'm not looking forward to it, other than the fact that I might run into my old boss there.  When I was promoted last, he was promoted to become the head of a certain department at the same time.  He mentioned that he would be interested in hiring me on in that department at the end of the month.  I haven't heard anything more about it, and I promised myself that I would not get my hopes up, but it is close to the end of the month, and the meeting concerns his new department.  He might be there, and he might pull me aside afterwards.  But I doubt it.  I am trying not to hope.  It would be a great job.

It's the world wide web, dummy

I knew this was a public blog...but I didn't think people would actually come across it.  I am kind of excited that people (though I don't really know if it is plural) are reading it.  I am going to go work out now.  Hopefully that will give me some pep and energy today. 


What I am really tired of is the constant interaction with insane people. People assume things are free, and then when they find out that you have to pay good money for a product you want, they want me to ask my "manager" to give it to them free. What are they on?

There was a time in my life when I had never heard of this practice of asking for things for free. I mean, yes, I am Jewish, but the way I was raised we paid for things we bought. I resent that stereotype of course, that Jews bargain. Of course it is poppycock, along with all other stereotypes. But stereotypes have a kernel of truth, and that is how they begin. People from Eastern Europe tend to bargain, since it is the practice in some Eastern European countries to do so, even with the grocer. My family is very American, my Polish roots are far removed. (And if you know me, you know the whole long story, but I won't go into it here.) Of course many Jews that emigrated to to States from Eastern Europe, and the stereotype became rumor, became legend, became "fact". There is more to it than that, I am oversimplifying. Of course this and other Jew/money stereotypes were mainstays of Nazi philosophy during the holocaust era.

I have seen a good description of where this can lead in a few different places, once in a Telushkin book, and also on the Stutz family website. These stereotypes are not just false, but dangerous.

The first step of this continuum is discrimination - treating certain groups of people differently.

The second step is isolation, such as the physical segregation of minorities in ghettos or setting up separate schools.

The third step is persecution, followed by dehumanization and violence. Genocide, the deliberate and systematic extermination of a group of people, is the ultimate expression of human hatred.

In any case, it seems that I am getting a bit lost on a tangent, as I tend to. People want things for free. Not any certain ethnic contingency, either. Eash world ethnic group, religion, and country has idiot representation. I These people bother me. I went to college with a guy who came from Ukraine when he was two years old. We did a project together that required some office supplies and, as it happens, a chair. These things were not readily available to us, and money was (as it always is when you are in college) in short supply. I don't think stealing occurred to us at the time. He went to a certain office supply store and just asked for free stuff. Lo and behold he returned with the free stuff, as proud as could be. I later took every opportunity to watch him in action...I think the rapport he built with people, and his brazen chutzpah warmed these retail souls so deeply that they felt moved to give. I never had the inclination to learn this particular sport.


Okay, I gave in to temptation. That is one of the problems with this kind of job. I sit here, sedentary, and have junk food given to me for free. And I am genetically disposed to love free food. Really, it is no excuse. I am just lazy about food, and I give in easily. I am not overweight, in fact I am thin. I weigh about 116 pounds today, and I have a fairly tall frame. But I am edging nearer and nearer to my thirties, and I don't think that donuts and chips and coke are a good diet to hook myself on. As a rule, I don't drink coke, and almost never eat fried foods. I have been a lacto-pesco-ovo vegetarian for over four years, and I do get minimal exercise.

There was a time at this job when I worked out on my lunch hour almost daily. I had more energy, and got through the day better. I have my gym bag in the car today, and I plan to work out at 2:00pm, which is the middle of my day. Right now I come in at 10:00am, and leave at 7:00pm. I am not crazy about the schedule, but I do get weekends off, which is a huge plus. I only recently was promoted to the level that would qualify me for this Mon - Fri schedule.

I think I have all 13 signs.

So how do you know if you, a loved one, or someone who reports to you is suffering from burnout? Here are the early-warning signs.

1. chronic fatigue - exhaustion, tiredness, a sense of being physically run down
2. anger at those making demands
3. self-criticism for putting up with the demands
4. cynicism, negativity, and irritability
5. a sense of being besieged
6. exploding easily at seemingly inconsequential things
7. frequent headaches and gastrointestinal disturbances
8. weight loss or gain
9. sleeplessness and depression
10. shortness of breath
11. suspiciousness
12. feelings of helplessness
13. increased degree of risk taking

Only an hour in...

Right now I work the following schedule:

- break -
- lunch -
- break -

I am not even to my first break and I am wishing the day away. Usually I can get a little bit farther, but today it seems that my close rate (welcome to sales) is going to be awfully low. I have had all transfer calls and complaints and "quick questions". I hate that my job depends partially on the luck of the draw. Of course it also depends on me, but my ability to create rapport with customers is sadly lacking. Sometimes when they make a joke I just sit there, quiet. I don't have the acting skills. I am what I am. Happy, sad, thoughtful, frustrated, they can tell.

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

The countdown begins.

Today I was feeling somewhat depressed. It seems that the holding pattern I am in now (i.e. boring, uninspiring) is interminable. Because of the mistakes I have made in my life I feel that, given greater flexibility and more options, I would be able to make other choices to get myself out of the current rut. What is this rut, you ask? This rut is really a great job at a great company with stock options, 401K, tuition reimbursement (which I need), and any other benefit one can think of. The problem is that I am miserable. The demands of this particular job wear on the nerves of an introvert such as myself. I spend my entire day on the phone with people selling technology products (they call me). Somehow I end up feeling like a shyster when I try to meet my quotas. And, worse - people condescend. People who have no business condescending. It is one thing to have an awful job, you can expect problems. But I have a decent, actually a good job, but I deal with the public. When you deal with the public, anyone who feels like it can crap on you. I am of the opinion that the more people per day you subject yourself to, the more stress you will have. I want to limit the number of people I deal with per day. Right now it is right around 50 per day not even including coworkers.

My goal is to get my Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology. The problem (though not insurmountable) is this: I need my bachelor’s degree. Almost no one knows this about me. I am 25 years old. I went to college. My friends who have known me through everything know that I didn’t graduate, but almost no one at work (other than human resources) knows this. If it ever comes up explicitly, and it has once, I tell the truth. But I don’t see any point in coming out of the closet with it. Maybe it is a virtue of not being raised Catholic (as my significant other was), but I am not into confessions. They don’t cleanse my soul. I’d rather have my privacy, or in this case, my self-serving illusion. But I do need the B.S., and I live within 10 miles of a major research University, so this is quite possible. I become a resident of my state in the fall, so I will start classes for the fall semester. It will take me a long time to get my B.S. unless I go part time. So…that is why I am counting down. In 99 days I will have been at this company for one year, which makes me eligible to move within the company, to part time (which is a little optimistic just yet considering my debt), or to a less sales oriented position (which is more likely). Focusing on the daily countdown is my technique to help me make it through. Some days it is hard to come back from lunch. I have been quite a bohemian in my time; it is a big switch to do something that makes me uncomfortable for 8+ hours per day.