The whole fruit, and nothing but the fruit.
I just completed a company survey, which claims to be anonymous. Man, if it is not, security is probably on their way upstairs for me as I type this. I was brutally honest, and like my 5 year old niece playing "court" (geez, the world is becoming more equal, we played "house" and "beauty shop" when I was her age), I told the whole fruit and nothing but the fruit. Um, truth.
This is a great place to work, an awesome, young and growing tech company. I adore it in many ways. But I can't stand my job. Part of that is the nature of the job, and part of it is the structuring of my schedule (and the constant changes thereof), the lack of knowledge about internal job opportunities, and the commission/salary ratio (too much variability). I left myself be heard.
By the way, I still haven't heard from my old manager about the opportunity he wanted to hire me for. The real live end of the month is Monday, which was when he said he would know more. I am pretty sure that he mentally rescinded his offer, without letting me know. That sucks. Oh well.
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