Occasion already passed!

Thursday, May 27, 2004

Midday Report, day 98

The workout felt good.  I feel so safe and quiet in my little corner shower after I worked up a sweat on the elliptical trainer.  Nice to take a break from the rut my work thoughts get into and read about Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt for half an hour.  I prefer my "book on tape", but I didn't get one from the library this time.  I'll have to pick one up.
Now, in a few minutes, I have a little meeting to go to.  I'm not looking forward to it, other than the fact that I might run into my old boss there.  When I was promoted last, he was promoted to become the head of a certain department at the same time.  He mentioned that he would be interested in hiring me on in that department at the end of the month.  I haven't heard anything more about it, and I promised myself that I would not get my hopes up, but it is close to the end of the month, and the meeting concerns his new department.  He might be there, and he might pull me aside afterwards.  But I doubt it.  I am trying not to hope.  It would be a great job.