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Thursday, May 27, 2004


Okay, I gave in to temptation. That is one of the problems with this kind of job. I sit here, sedentary, and have junk food given to me for free. And I am genetically disposed to love free food. Really, it is no excuse. I am just lazy about food, and I give in easily. I am not overweight, in fact I am thin. I weigh about 116 pounds today, and I have a fairly tall frame. But I am edging nearer and nearer to my thirties, and I don't think that donuts and chips and coke are a good diet to hook myself on. As a rule, I don't drink coke, and almost never eat fried foods. I have been a lacto-pesco-ovo vegetarian for over four years, and I do get minimal exercise.

There was a time at this job when I worked out on my lunch hour almost daily. I had more energy, and got through the day better. I have my gym bag in the car today, and I plan to work out at 2:00pm, which is the middle of my day. Right now I come in at 10:00am, and leave at 7:00pm. I am not crazy about the schedule, but I do get weekends off, which is a huge plus. I only recently was promoted to the level that would qualify me for this Mon - Fri schedule.


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