Good morning, Day 97
Tzyy is on vacation today, and so is everyone else. I thought it would be a nice break, but it is a bit unnerving. My first few calls were awful, one was a lady who wanted to bargain the price and acted like I was a jerk for not participating. What, do they think I am a 14th century fishmonger in Venice?
Soon I will be reading my Friday ritual sites, and my daily ritual blogs. Since 1999 I have been reading Diary of V every Friday when the new entry comes out. It marks the weeks for me, compartmentalizes time. A month or so ago I started reading Diary of He also. I went back and read all the archives since it began, it took me a week (at work of course). I actually get excited about these online diaries...that should give you some idea of the sad state I am in right now.
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