Monday morning, day 96
Good morning. I barely slept last night. I mean, I think I slept an hour or two. I was up thinking about all that I have to accomplish to reach my goals...I have to save money to pay off my debt, and I have to finish school. At about 3:30AM I discovered that I could graduate by the spring of 2007 if I really put my mind to it. Here is how I would structure this plan:
Credits per semester:
(Already have 24)
Summer 04 - 3
Fall 04 - 6
Winter 04 - 3
Spring 05 - 6
Summer 05 - 12
Fall 05 - 6
Winter 05 - 3
Spring 06 - 15
Summer 06 - 12
Fall 06 - 15
Winter 06 - 3
Spring 07 - 15
120 credits + 3 credit leeway
Is this unrealistic? Here is another option.
Summer 04 - 3
Fall 04 - 6
Spring 05 - 6
Summer 05 - 6
Fall 05 - 6
Spring 06 - 15
Summer 06 - 6
Fall 06 - 15
Spring 07 - 15
Summer 07 - 6
Fall 07 - 15
120 credits + 3 credit leeway
I think this is somewhat more do-able.
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